Winter Salads

One of the great pleasures of growing vegetables is to be able to harvest fresh salad in the cooler months,the flavor seems fresher and more welcome through autumn and Winter

its important to use varieties that are adapted to growing in these cooler conditions

The varieties that work for me are

Lettuce Ciucca


Sow:  January – March and                September – October.


Meraviglia D’Inverno S.Martino July-December and harvest in a cold greenhouse
Winter Density March-October
Merveille de Quatre Saisons Feb-March and September-October
Mizuna Red Knight Sept-Oct outside  November under cover
Pak Choy Joi Choi F1 Feb-March  and September –October



Red Frills                 Green in Snow


Coriander Santos            Feb-May and Sept -October   cool greenhouse
Parsley Gigante Di Napoli            April to September,
Spinach Giant Winter            August-October
Gigante D’Iverno
Missouri F1           Under cover  November/December for baby leaf
Rocket           September outdoors  October under cover
Spring Onions White Lisbon (Winter Variety)            September outdoors  October under cover
Chinese cabbage Apex            September mid October under cover
Corn Salad, Marche   Lambs lettuce


Verte de Cambrai   March- April and July-October
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