Want To Know How to Grow The Best Tasting Varieties Of Potatoes....
QUICKGUIDE 2: Potato Growing

The Quick Guide Series Of Mini Courses are an economical way to get targeted information on one specific gardening topic to help you cut through the jungle of information that's out there and be able to go from sowing to eating as efficiently and successfully as possible.
What's Covered In The Potato Growing Quick Guide?
- The Different Types Of Potatoes - Select What You Grow Based On The Tastiest Varieties
- The 80:20 Of Potato Growing - Get The Best Taste From The Least Work
- Three Different Growing Methods
- Keep Your Potatoes Healthy - Dealing With Common Pests And Diseases
- What To Do When You Harvest Your Potatoes - Recipes!
How Much Does The Potato Growing Quick Guide Cost?
What do you value your time at? £25 per hour? More? THe Quick Guide Series of mini-courses have been specifically designed to save you time by cutting out the necessity for spending hours searching for information on Google and the internet and trying to work out whether the information you have found is reliable or not.
Let's say this Quick Guide saves you only three hours of time. If you value your time at £25 per hour, that's an opportunity cost of £75. If you value your time more highly...that opportunity cost figure rises.
This Quick Guide on growing the tastiest potatoes will cost you just....

100% Money Back Guarantee. We try to price all our Courses so that they are accessible to every serious gardener who wants to grow bigger quantities of better tasting vegetables and fruits - and the Greenhouse Gardening Course is no different. The investment is less than the price of half a tank of petrol. But if you're not sure, let me tell you that your £12.50 investment is 100% safe. If within 30 days you decide for whatever reason that the Quickguide is not for you, all you have to do is drop us an email and let us know. We'll refund your payment promptly with no hassles and no hoops to jump through, and we can part as friends.
So It's Time To Make A Decision: You should have all the information you need to decide whether the Potatoes Quickguide is for you or not. CLICK the big yellow 'JOIN NOW' button below and you'll be taken to a Paypal screen where you can enroll to the Potatoes Quic Guidek. (If you don't have a Paypal account you can still enroll using a Credit Card.) Once you've enrolled on the course we'll manually add you to the Gardening Courses site within 12-24 hours (but usually much sooner) and send a welcome email with log on details. If you don't receive that email for any reason, then don't panic, simply send us an email and we'll work out what went wrong in the process and get you added to the site manually. So go ahead. Click the big yellow button below and JOIN NOW.
P.S. time is a resources that's scarce for all of us...these Quick Guides have been designed to get you moving forward with specific tasks in your garden or allotment and cut out the necessity for hours of searching on Google looking for information on what to do. And don't forget your purchase is covered by our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.