In my film I show you the proper way to crop your Asparagus, this is really important as you can easily damage the plant. The second film is my quick Hollandaise Sauce to accompany your newly cut asparagus its fabulous.

At the end of the growing season we need to tidy the perennial bed in the 10min garden and make sure its ready to produce the best crop for next season,this means removing all the old yellowing foliage from both the Asparagus and Seakale which share this bed.
Remember that you are always best hand weeding these beds as the roots are very shallow and hoeing then can dramatically reduce the vigor of your Asparagus.In the spring I will feed the bed with about 3oz per yard of Fish,Blood and bone to get it of to a flying start
This film is a sequel to my film on planting bare rooted asparagus plants and I thought you might find it useful to see what to expect from your newly growing asparagus plants.The emerging asparagus plants dont look quite like you would expect and you dont want to weed then out by mistake after the hard work of planting then