Potting on seedlings is one of the basics of growing,In this film I pot on the Hollyhocks we sowed a couple of weeks ago.There are some tips on what compost works best with these stunning flowers
The french call them Rose Trémière and they were first grown after being collected in southwestern China during, or possibly before, the 15th century
This film shows and is a great technique for most Biennial or Perennial vegetables or flowers
Hollyhocks are one of the quintessential cottage garden plants but the can also add drama and colour to more modern and even “Exotic” plantings.
The techniques used for Hollyhocks work perfectly with most biennial or perennial vegetables or flowers
Hollyhocks can add height to most plantings and can be planted under,and Bees love then for there simple flowers.
You can save your own seed and they will once established self seed ,the ones I am sowing I collect while filming on the ILe de Re of the coast of France
They are easy to grow and if you follow these simple tips will give you great results
After about 3 or 4 weeks you will need to transplant your seedlings and How to “Pot On” shows you the best way
This shows the wonderful rich colours Hollyhocks have and why the French call then Rose Trémière
They were first grown after being collected in southwestern China during, or possibly before, the 15th century so have a long history of cultivation
Annual flowers are one of the easiest and most cost affective way of not only adding colour to our gardens but also attracting beneficial insects and bees.
Whats makes then so versatile is that the tops are as versatile and make great green and there are varieties called Rapini which dont produce a bulb at all the best variety for this is Rapa da foglia senza testa .
the only problems you may get are Flea beetle: Leaves are covered in small holes and damaged areas turn brown. Seedlings are particularly susceptible but using fleece with stop this
Teaching you how to grow your own vegetables and fruit