When planting Rose bushes its worth taking the effort to prepare the ground and follow these instructions as Roses can grow for 35 years and in some cases a lot longer
There are advantages to planting bare root bushes as there are a far larger selection of them and they tend to be stronger plants with larger root systems but they have to be planted in the dormant season normally between Oct and March .
Container grown roses can be planted at any time but are considerably more expensive but more convenient
We plant bare root and container grow Roses in exactly the same way
Soil preparation
Roses benefit from good soil preparation and incorporating well rotted manure or garden compost into the top 50cms(18inc) of soil ensures strong growth and good flowering
Roses can be successfully grown in large pots or containers and using a 50/50 mix of loam based compost like John Innes No3 with Multipurpose compost with added garden compost if you have it available
If planting bare rooted bushes then soak them in a bucket of water for between 2-12 hours before planting to make sure the roots are fully hydrated
If planting container grown Rose water well before
Dig a hole slightly deeper and wider than the roots of the rose when they are spread out naturally dont try to squeeze them into a small hole
Holding the rose over the planting hole sprinkle Mycorrhizal Fungi onto the roots and sprinkle some onto the soil you will backfill the hole with.Its important that the Mycorrhizal is in contact with some of the roots.
Mycorrhizal greatly improves the establishment and growth of newly planted Roses
Place the Rose bush into the hole making sure the union where the rootstock and the rose variety have been grafted together is at soil level as the latest scientific research from the Royal Horticultural Society shows that keeping the union above ground reduces Rose dieback
It was common practice to plant Roses with the union 5cms below soil level as this encourages more roots to form from the Rose variety
Fill around the roots with the soil from the hole working it between the roots and gently firming down. Continue to backfill until you are level with the surrounding soil
You can apply a slow acting feed to the soil surface but dont work it into the soil as it can have a negative affect on establishment,a generous handful of Fish Blood and Bone for each bush works well
Water each Rose bush with at least a 2gallon (10litres) of water to settle the soil and keep the soil moist with regular watering during the first year
Apply a mulch of well rotten manure garden compost or Bark chippings to suppress weeds and keep the soil cool and moist giving your Roses the best start
This film explains the benefits of Mycorrhizal Fungi
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