I put my broad beans last October with the snow we had its bent them over and the plants at bottom just at soil. Are all black do i dig them up or leave. Them they are only six inc high. Thanks
Some great content and helpful tips and in particular on sowing compost and I will definitely be following your tip when sowing some of my Real Seed Co tomato seeds shortly [another great tip of yours]. I have already recommended a friend gets B&Q’s Verve Multi Compost at £6 for 125L – superb value.
This is my first season having a crack at gardening at the age of 50, following redundancy and a detour to hospital for open heart surgery last year, and I am ready to make plenty of mistakes but at the same time I look forward to counting some successes too! I have found embarking on this journey has been hugely therapeutic and of course there’s the added exercise battling at exorcising my modest intended 6×4 bean bed of wretched bindweed and stones…..need to erect a raised bed for the next project!
A good matter of fact/wry presentation style tinged with an inimitable underlying dry humour. Thanks for taking the time to produce the video and I shall look forward to more gems to help inspire my future endeavours.
Thanks again and onwards and upwards – well at least growing stuff anyway!
Love your videos and looking forward to receiving your newsletters. I’m new to the allotment world but like the previous comment I am finding it extremely beneficial following being made redundant last year. Thank you for the tips they are helping me no end.
Handy tips on YouTube and this has brought me to you. Am a South African living in the Netherlands and really need Northern Hemisphere tips on gardening. Thank you
Anita Bollen
When you go on the website a form ought to pop up for you to submit your email address, you do have to confirm your subscription. If you have any problem please let me know.
Appreciate if you could add me to your newsletter subscriber list. The videos are really helpful – we suffered a lot on tomato blight last year. I work as a volunteer on a charitable organic farm which have learning difficulty adults who visit together with older people. I would like to grow 5 varieties of tomatoes both plum and some larger ones this year -about 250 plants so all who visit us can have a free goody bag. We have a couple of poly tunnels but I would like to also grow the majority of plants outside.
Hi Kirti
Apologies, your post seemed to have slipped the net. Have sorted out what varieties of tomatoes you are growing or do you still need some advice?
Although you say that you would like to grow the majority outside my experience with tomatoes would suggest although this is viable your crop will not be anywhere near the size of those from the polytunnel. I think your volunteering project is super and I am delighted to offer any help I can to help your project – just ask.
I have added you to the subscription list for the newsletter and I hope you enjoy them. You will receive an email telling you when the newsletter is live together with a password. Please feel free to email me with any gardening questions or plant advice.
Welcome to Learn How to Garden, my own allotment and garden is based on a mixture of raised beds and no dig beds so most of the techniques that I film and talk about would work perfectly for you.
Hi, I’ve recently taken on an allotment. Never been a gardener but loving the whole experience so far. Would like to thank you for all the wonderful information you share, with your help things are actually growing. I get such a thrill every time I see a new shoot 🙂
I would like to receive your newsletter please. We are in to our second year as allotmenteers and have just taken on our second plot. We have great advice from our neighbours but having watched a few of your posts/videos we are getting more ideas and information which we are thirsty for. Looking forward to more fun and success with our plots this year.
Would like to subscribe to your newsletter. Found your video clips very informative and easy to follow. I am interested in growing heritage tomatoes in 2015 any suggestions?
I have just watched your videos on calcified seaweed and making a no dig bed and have found them to be very informative.I would like you to subscribe me to your news letter. Thank you.
Alan Wilkinson.
Hi, just found your site-Please add me to your newsletter list! I’m going to have to try to make Risotto! I just bought some sun-chokes (Jerusalem artichokes) at the store and am planning on trying to root them. I found your site by searching. Thank You! We have another Blizzard on the way- Gardening by computer right now!
I first saw one of your videos on youtube while looking for advice about growing gooseberries, I thought it was excellent and would like to subscribe to your news letter please. Thank you.
Hi, would like to subscribe, thanks. …also can I grow butternut squash using climbing frames , like runner beans ? To save ground space ? Many thanks, regards. .
Welcome to Learn How to Garden, you have been added to my subscribers list.
You can use frames for growing squash and I grow a few varieties using this method but you have to be aware that your frame will have to be stronger and also for butternut squash you will have to support the fruits otherwise they will snap off. I will be filming this year how to grow squash on a frame!
Just watched a couple of your videos on YouTube thought they were very informative and well presented. So i would love to subscibe to your newsletter
many thanks
Amazing videos and very informative, keep up the great work and helping everyone all over the world! I would love to get access to the newsletter and thanks again!
I woud like to subscribe your newsletter and new videos. Thank you.
By the way,can you show us how to pru ethe fig tree after aseason of fruits please,
Best regards,
I would love to receive your newsletter, just found your YouTube video on what to do with chillies…..so helpful. I’m a ‘new’ gardener and have so much produce and made so much chutney. Yummy!
I tried to make your chilli jam and it was absolutely delicious adding the Asian flavours makes so flavoursome and takes right back to Thailand. Thanks . Fadia from Australia
Hi Mark ( The GOD of intelligent plants.) can you add me …only if theirs room for one more lol!.
and if iv spelt everything correctly lol.
Im a punctuation nazi unto my self!….. if I dont police my self no one will.
Hi, I watched 2 of your videos for the first time today. I was looking for how to plant shallots and come across your videos and liked them very much. Please add me to your newsletter subscription.
Good morning 03.57am!
Please would you kindly add me to your news letter
I’m unwaged at present so can’t afford subscription. But gardening helps my mental health as I suffer with bad depression
Many thanks
I think your videos are great and would like to subscribe to your newsletter please
Please add me to receive the newsletter thanks paul
I have added you to the subscribers list Paul.
Hi Jo I have added you to the subscribers list.
Kind regards
I am here to confirm my willingness to subscribe to your news letter . I thank you.
I have added you to my subscriber list.
Great Paul go on the way you work
Greetings Ron
HI, I would like to subscribe to your news letter. Thank you so much. Carol.
Would like to subscribe please.
Hi Jean
I have added you to my subscriber list, thank you for joining.
Kind regards
please add me to newsletter and mailing list
Can you please add me as well
Hi Miles
You have been added to my subscribers list.
Please include me in your newsletter. Thanks.
Please may I subscribe to your newsletter. Many thanks
I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter please.
Please add me to your Newsletter mailing list. Thank you.
Great videos. Would like to subscribe.
very informative videos would like to subscribe.
very informative vodeos and would like to subscribe to your news letter.
Please add me to your newsletter list.
Hi Laura
I have added you to my subscribers list, welcome to Learn How To Garden
Just googled how to plant rhubarb. Found this site. Amazing.
Thanks Mark.
Good videos would like to subscribe
Would like to subscribe to your newsletters.
Would like to subscribe to your newsletter. Thanks
I put my broad beans last October with the snow we had its bent them over and the plants at bottom just at soil. Are all black do i dig them up or leave. Them they are only six inc high. Thanks
Some great content and helpful tips and in particular on sowing compost and I will definitely be following your tip when sowing some of my Real Seed Co tomato seeds shortly [another great tip of yours]. I have already recommended a friend gets B&Q’s Verve Multi Compost at £6 for 125L – superb value.
This is my first season having a crack at gardening at the age of 50, following redundancy and a detour to hospital for open heart surgery last year, and I am ready to make plenty of mistakes but at the same time I look forward to counting some successes too! I have found embarking on this journey has been hugely therapeutic and of course there’s the added exercise battling at exorcising my modest intended 6×4 bean bed of wretched bindweed and stones…..need to erect a raised bed for the next project!
A good matter of fact/wry presentation style tinged with an inimitable underlying dry humour. Thanks for taking the time to produce the video and I shall look forward to more gems to help inspire my future endeavours.
Thanks again and onwards and upwards – well at least growing stuff anyway!
Love your videos and looking forward to receiving your newsletters. I’m new to the allotment world but like the previous comment I am finding it extremely beneficial following being made redundant last year. Thank you for the tips they are helping me no end.
I’m a beginner gardener & appreciate your informative videos, just want to learn more.
Hi Mark.
Love your videos and have learnt loads from you this year. Keep up the good work.
Great videos, cheers
Please can I subscribe , as a novice veggie gardener I need as much help as I can get 🙂
Hi Mark
I love the videos and I’d like to subscribe. Any tips on how to keep my greenhouse watered? Thanks
Handy tips on YouTube and this has brought me to you. Am a South African living in the Netherlands and really need Northern Hemisphere tips on gardening. Thank you
Anita Bollen
My garden in Cornwall has lots of South African plants from the cape as they grow well with us, glad you find the site useful
Great instructional videos Mark
Wish to subscribe please.
When you go on the website a form ought to pop up for you to submit your email address, you do have to confirm your subscription. If you have any problem please let me know.
looking for new ideas, motivation and recipes to fill what spare time I have
Good luck, I hope you find my website useful. Please let me know if you have any questions or queries
Thanks for the information on growing fig trees.
You are very welcome, if you have any questions please ask.
Newsletter please
Hi would like to subscribe to your newsletter please
Appreciate if you could add me to your newsletter subscriber list. The videos are really helpful – we suffered a lot on tomato blight last year. I work as a volunteer on a charitable organic farm which have learning difficulty adults who visit together with older people. I would like to grow 5 varieties of tomatoes both plum and some larger ones this year -about 250 plants so all who visit us can have a free goody bag. We have a couple of poly tunnels but I would like to also grow the majority of plants outside.
Hi Kirti
Apologies, your post seemed to have slipped the net. Have sorted out what varieties of tomatoes you are growing or do you still need some advice?
Although you say that you would like to grow the majority outside my experience with tomatoes would suggest although this is viable your crop will not be anywhere near the size of those from the polytunnel. I think your volunteering project is super and I am delighted to offer any help I can to help your project – just ask.
I would like to subscribe
I would like to subscribe to your news letterbox
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I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter
Hi Lisa
I have added you to the subscription list for the newsletter and I hope you enjoy them. You will receive an email telling you when the newsletter is live together with a password. Please feel free to email me with any gardening questions or plant advice.
Kind regards
Looks really interesting l have a raised bed allotment. Any help and suggestions are grestly received. Look forward to some good advice.
Hi Kim
Welcome to Learn How to Garden, my own allotment and garden is based on a mixture of raised beds and no dig beds so most of the techniques that I film and talk about would work perfectly for you.
Kind regards
Looking to join newsletter
Hi love you videos . please subscribe me to your news letter. Many thanks.
Hi Gary
Welcome to Learn How to Garden I have added you to the subscribers list.
Kind regards
I would like your free monthly newslettet.
Thanks Simon.
Hi Simon
Welcome to Learn How to Garden.Com – I have added you to the subcribers list.
Kind regards
I really enjoy your videos and would love to get your newsletter. Thanks
I am just starting out in vegetable growing and have already learnt so much from you.
Cheers. Looking forward to future newsletters
Hi Mark would you please subscribe me to your news letter
Hi, I’ve recently taken on an allotment. Never been a gardener but loving the whole experience so far. Would like to thank you for all the wonderful information you share, with your help things are actually growing. I get such a thrill every time I see a new shoot 🙂
Ta Muchly
Can I please receive your news letter.
Just arrived a Quadgrow, hope to follow instructions in your video etc
I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter
I would like to receive your newsletter please. We are in to our second year as allotmenteers and have just taken on our second plot. We have great advice from our neighbours but having watched a few of your posts/videos we are getting more ideas and information which we are thirsty for. Looking forward to more fun and success with our plots this year.
Happy growing.
Hi Mark, I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Subscribe me please.
Hi Mark l would like to subscribe to your newsletter
I love this site and the video are really useful can I subscribe to the newsletter
Mark can I subscribe to your newsletter
Good videos , please subscribe me to your news letter
just watched how to plant asparagus video . v helpful. would like to subscribe to newsletter
Like the hints on gardening
Great job very informative.
Dear Mark
Great. Video on chillies.
Please sign me up for newsletters.
Would like to subscribe to your newsletter. Found your video clips very informative and easy to follow. I am interested in growing heritage tomatoes in 2015 any suggestions?
Very informative videos. Thank you.
Please add me to your subscribers list, your youtube videos are very helpful.
Please can I subscribe to your newsletter
Many Thanks
Hi Andrea
I have added you to my subscribers list thank you for joining.
Please add me to your news letter. Your video’s have been very helpful.
Thanks Ray
Hi Ray
I have added you to my subscribers list, thank you for joining.
Watching your videos they have been a great help.please subscribe me to your news letter
I have just watched your videos on calcified seaweed and making a no dig bed and have found them to be very informative.I would like you to subscribe me to your news letter. Thank you.
Alan Wilkinson.
Please add me to your subscibe videos they are very helpful thank you.
I have found your website very interesting and would like to receive your monthly newsletter.
Welcome to Learn How to Garden, I have added you to my subscribers list.
I thought I was subscribed and received your emails for a while but haven’t gotten one in a long time. Please re-subscribe me.
Hopefully you are re-subscribed.
Love your videos
Hi, just found your site-Please add me to your newsletter list! I’m going to have to try to make Risotto! I just bought some sun-chokes (Jerusalem artichokes) at the store and am planning on trying to root them. I found your site by searching. Thank You! We have another Blizzard on the way- Gardening by computer right now!
Hi Valeria
I have added you to my subscribers list, welcome on board!
Can i receive a news letter please.
I first saw one of your videos on youtube while looking for advice about growing gooseberries, I thought it was excellent and would like to subscribe to your news letter please. Thank you.
Its great to have your feedback on my video, thank you. I have added you to my subscribers list.
Kind regards
Can I receive monthly newsletters please.
Welcome to Learn How to Garden, Kay, I confirm that I have signed you up for my newsletters.
Hello Mark.
Please can you add me to your news letter subscribers list.
Many thanks. Paul
Hi Paul
I have added you to my subscribers list, welcome to Learn How to Garden.
Kind regards
Pls add me to the news letter
Hi Chris
You have been added to my subscribers list, welcome to Learn How to Garden.
Kind regards
Love the no dig garden advise
Thank you!
Please add me to your news letter many thanks
Looking forward to some good advice in the newsletters
Please add me for news letters
Hi Ian
I have added you to mu subscribers list, welcome to Learn How To Garden.
Looking forward to receiving the subscription
Hi Donna
I have added you to my subscribers list, welcome to Learn How to Garden.
Hi, would like to subscribe, thanks. …also can I grow butternut squash using climbing frames , like runner beans ? To save ground space ? Many thanks, regards. .
Hi Silvano
Welcome to Learn How to Garden, you have been added to my subscribers list.
You can use frames for growing squash and I grow a few varieties using this method but you have to be aware that your frame will have to be stronger and also for butternut squash you will have to support the fruits otherwise they will snap off. I will be filming this year how to grow squash on a frame!
Kind regards
Please send me your news letter as i find your instructions very useful,
Many thanks
Hi Neil
I have added you to my subscribers list, welcome to Learn How To Garden
I would like to subscribe to your news letter.
Thank you
Hi Keith
I have added you to my subscribers list, welcome to Learn How To Garden.
Awaiting subscription. …
Hi Silvano
Hopefully you will have received email confirmation of your subscription, if you have not please let me know.
Just watched a couple of your videos on YouTube thought they were very informative and well presented. So i would love to subscibe to your newsletter
many thanks
Hi Sean
I have added you to my subscribers list.
Kind regards
Very helpful videos. Thank you.
You are welcome Gene!
luv the info!
Thanks Noelle! really appreciated.
Please add me to your newsletter list. Love your Youtube videos. This was asked twice, so hopefully I am on the list only once.
Hi Teresa
You have been added to my subscribers list.
Very informative videos. Thank you!
Please sign me up for your newsletter.
Just watched the melon growing tutorial on youtube, really good please add me to your newsletter.
Thank you,
Graham C
hello, I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter please, thanks.
Amazing videos and very informative, keep up the great work and helping everyone all over the world! I would love to get access to the newsletter and thanks again!
I am interested in learning more about gardening. I need as much help as I can get so I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
I woud like to subscribe your newsletter and new videos. Thank you.
By the way,can you show us how to pru ethe fig tree after aseason of fruits please,
Best regards,
I would love to receive your newsletter, just found your YouTube video on what to do with chillies…..so helpful. I’m a ‘new’ gardener and have so much produce and made so much chutney. Yummy!
Hi, please sign me up for your news letter, looking forward to hearing from you,happy gardening
You have been added Gill
can you add me to receive your news letter please. Thank you. Alan
You have been added Alan
Would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
You have been added Peggy
I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
You have been added Ingrid
Please could you add me to the monthly newsletter list
You have been added Andrew
Would like to be added to your free monthly newsletter, if possible, even though I’m in New Zealand. 🙂
You have been added to my list Linda, welcome to Learn How To Garden . Com
Please subscribe me for your newsletter.
Many thanks,
I have added you to my subscribers list, Jim.
Please subscribe to news letter ?
Thanks for adding me
Saw you on YouTube. Very clear and straight for a Rd. Would like to learn more.
Please add me to your newsletter thanks
Hi Chris
You have been added to our newsletter list.
Hi, please could you add me to your newsletter.
Please add me to your newsletter, I have just been sent your web information by a friend. Thankyou
Love your videos and vast gardening knowledge. Please subscribe me to your newsletter. Who knows – my black thumb may even turn green! Thanks!
I love your videos, please add me to the newsletter subscription.
I’m looking forward to receiving the newsletter.
Thanks, Mark.
Hello, please would you add me to your newsletter list? .Your videos are so helpful and informative.
Thank you
A newsletter add please.
Watched your videos on comfrey & nettle tea and courgette pollination. Very useful indeed to a novice!
I tried to make your chilli jam and it was absolutely delicious adding the Asian flavours makes so flavoursome and takes right back to Thailand. Thanks . Fadia from Australia
Add me to your news letter . Thanks a bunch
Hi Mark ( The GOD of intelligent plants.) can you add me …only if theirs room for one more lol!.
and if iv spelt everything correctly lol.
Im a punctuation nazi unto my self!….. if I dont police my self no one will.
wanted to know about growing oca, enjoyed the video would very much like to receive your newsletter
Finally got my allotment, time to sign up! Thoroughly enjoy your videos, looking forward to learning more.
Hi, I watched 2 of your videos for the first time today. I was looking for how to plant shallots and come across your videos and liked them very much. Please add me to your newsletter subscription.
Thank you
from Melbourne Australia
P Lease add me to the list.
Please subscribe me to your newsletter, thank you.
Please add me to your newsletter list. Love your videos and tips!
Can you please add me to your newsletter subscription,
I find it very helpful for me .
With regards
I love your videos and as a new Gardner, they are very helpful!
Thanks for your comment Anna – feel free to ask any questions!
Just seen your May newsletter. Please register me as a subscriber
Great videos, leaning a lot, thanks scott
Please add me to your monthly newsletter subscription list.
Many thanks
Hi mark we are 100% newbie gardeners and would welcome the information from your news letter.
Could I please subscribe to your newsletter.
Like your videos, thanks!!
Like to receive your newsletter please.
Great videos!
Hi please can I receive your free newsletter. Watched your video about figs on you tube and was impressed. Thanks
I have added you to my subscribers list Susan
Kind regards
Like to receive your newsletter please.
Please subscribe me to your newsletter please! Very helpful videos?
Hi Pam
You have been added to my subscribers list!
Great videos, i would like subscribe newsletter.
Please add me to your list of subscribers
Dear Mark,
I’am subscribed to the newsletter and got an email for the september issue.
However i am asked for a password which i do not have.
Could you help me out.
Bert regards,
Marcel Volmer
Hi Mark
Can you subscribe me to your newsletter etc. Been watching you on YouTube for a while and think your advice is great!
Lynn (Bath)
Please subscribe.
Please add me to your monthly newsletter .
Hi Mark
Loving our videos!!
Please can I subscribe to your newletter.
Hi, I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter please.
Love the video
Really enjoy YouTube videos, can you subscribe me to your newsletter please?
Hi Lynn
You have been added to my subscribers List.
Hi Mark, could you please subscribe me to your newsletter?
You have been added to the list Stephane
please add me to your newsletter list
You have been added to the list Carol!
Please add me to your newsletter, absolutely great videos, really informative and easy to follow, thank you.
Please addme to your newsletter list
I would like to subscribe to your newsletter thank you
Good morning 03.57am!
Please would you kindly add me to your news letter
I’m unwaged at present so can’t afford subscription. But gardening helps my mental health as I suffer with bad depression
Many thanks
Hi Nicola
I have added you to my subscribers list and I have sent you an email.
Kind regards Mark
Please add me to your monthly newsletter. Great content. Many thanks.