Using the Great No-Dig concept but adding the age old technique of constructing a HotBed we can create a growing space that will allow us to harness the free heat generated by composting manure to grow early crops.
I have used this method for years and although its simple it gives great results
This technique was used at Chatsworth and Heligan to grow pineapples and Citrus in purpose made beds I have just taken this technique and adapted it for Vegetables using readily available Horse Manure
If you would more information on Hotbeds I have compiled a resource post which contains all my films on hotbeds, just click the link below
Sweet and juicy straight from the Raised- bed new season carrots are a real treat and providing you give them the right conditions and protection dead easy to grow.I show you how i use the broadcasting method to sow them and why fleece is an essential to protect then from Carrot Root Fly
The early sowing can use fast maturing variety’s or the small round variety’s which also grow well in containers,and the latter sowing use Main crop variety’s to store for winter use
If you want the best Vegetables the effort of constructing a deep bed for vegetable growing is well worth the effort. This applies to some of the deep rooted vegetables that are going to stay in the bed longer than one season or to overcome a problem with your natural soil being either to heavy or nutrient/food starved.First made popular by Geoff Hamilton I have been growing in these for over 30 years, they work and improve with time
One variation I use a lot is a No dig version of a raised bed this link shows you how to build a No dig bed in under 30 minutes