Attention: Gardeners Who Want To Cut Through The Overwhelm Of Information And Know Exactly What They Should Be Doing In Their Garden This Month....

ANNOUNCING: The Monthly Gardening Club

We're Living In A "Golden Age" Of Gardening Information. There's never been so much information: websites; blogs; videos; podcasts; magazines; TV programs; newspaper columns and more. But this 'golden age" of information brings its own unique set of problems and challenges.

Like A Garden That's Run Riot....There's Just Too Much!   At a fundamental level, gardening is essentially a simple activity.  And one of the great joys of gardening is that the challenges you have to meet are always changing with the time of year and the weather conditions.

And sometimes all you need to know is straightforward.  Things like:

  • What are the essential gardening tasks I need to do in the next month?
  • How do I cultivate my garden for the challenges ahead in the next few weeks?
  • What are the optimum times for sowing or planing different crops?
  • What do I do with the glut of this crop I've just harvested?
  • What tools should I use for each gardening task?
  • What varieties of each plant provide the best flavour and yield?
  • What are the most efficient methods of planting?
  • What techniques to use to grow fruit?
  • What gardening methods to use to increase productivity?
  • What varieties to grow for flavour and crop size?
  • How to grow unusual veg?

And so on.

Each month this might come down to just six or seven items that you need to focus on.  But you've got to go to your library of gardening information - or that even bigger library of information that Google allows you to tap into - and pull out precisely those items that relate to your situation NOW.

And like I said, there is just so much information spread out over multiple channels and multiple formats that this task is a major undertaking in and of itself.

What If There Was A Better Way ...?

What if there was a way to hack through this jungle of information? 

And cut through to the essential pieces of information that you need each month in your gardening?

Whether that's choosing the right varieties of crops to platn, the right technique to plant them, or the right tools for the'll be covered.

Not only that, but one of the biggest problems I see is Gardeners with very specific gardening questions - and no idea how to find the specific answers that they need!

No longer do you have to spend hours researching on the internet or collating articles from different books and magazines together.

Instead you can find the answers in our detailed monthly tutorials...or you can use the 5 Minute Rule.  (Here's a brief description of the 5 Minute Rule: set a timer for 10 minutes, then go to Google or your own collection of gardening reference material.  If you haven't found the answer to your question within 5 minutes then stop searching, go to the private facebook group and make a post there.  The next time I'm on Facebook I'll see that you've posted in the group and I'll swing by and answer your question.)

Imagine If...

...instead of spending hours cross referencing gardening books and Google you could just open an email, click on a link, watch a detailed video that guided you through exactly what you had to do in your garden NOW...and featured more in-depth tutorials on specific techniques that you might not be 100% sure of.

Not only that, imagine if you had a specific question that wasn't addressed and after you checked out how your families and friends are doing on their Facebook pages, you could post your specific question and have a specific answer that will guide you in what needs doing.

Oh.  And I forgot to mention.  If you have reasonable Wi-Fi,  an iPad (or other tablet) or a smartphone, then you can take your device into the garden with you and immediately put your learnings into practice.

How does that sound?

Why Should I Listen To You?

That's a good question

Here's the short answer:

  • Worked on TV and Radio
  • I write a gardening column for a national UK magazine (print circulation circa 40,000)
  • Plant Hunting for Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh in South America
  • Garden design in the UK, America and Australia - particularly exotics

Here's the longer answer.

All the above is true - but doesn't reflect my life long passion for gardening (cultivated in me by my Grandfather).  One of the main reasons I'm so passionate about gardening and growing my own fruit and vegetables is because the taste is vastly superior to the taste of fruit and vegetables you can buy in the chainstore supermarkets.

Chainstore supermarkets have different criteria they use in how they choose which varieties to grow and sell; those criteria revolve primarily around selling:

  • quick ripening fruit and vegetables allow more crops per year and are therefore more profitable
  • fruit and vegetable varieties (and gardening methods) that produce even size produce are easier to package
  • fruit and vegetable varieties with thicker skins transport better.
  • fruit and vegetables are 'bred' for colour

And so on.

Taste - the element that should be the most important criteria when selecting which varities of fruit or vegetables - trails off in the distance.

There's a whole generation of people who've grown up and not been exposed to the equisite taste of home grown fruit and vegetables.  And I'm passionate about teaching these people that you don't need big gardens or fancy tools or invest hours and hours of time to successfully grow your own - success in growing your own fruit and vegetables is about having the knowledge of what varieties to plant, how to prepare the ground to receive them, what tools to use, how to nurture the plants, how to avoid pests and blights, how to crop them when they are ripe.

And finally, how to cook them and enjoy them!

That's the knowledge that I want to share in the monthly Gardening Club.  And that's why you should listen to me.

What Does It Do For Me?

Here are the main benefits you'll get from being a member of the Gardening Club:

  • The Gardening Club is published at the start of the month. You’ll be able to access the information for that month as soon as possible an find out immediately what tasks you have to perform in your garden this month.

  • All the techniques taught in the Gardening Club are tried and tested for maximum crop yields.

  • The crop varieties I recommend you grow are selected on two main criteria: quantity and test.  You’ll grow tastier crops – and grow more of them.

  • Efficient growing techniques that reduce time spent on weeding and digging.

  • Each month the seasonal recipes in the gardening club will make the best use of crops that you are harvesting – and help you deal with gluts.

  • If you have any questions at any time I will be in the Private Facebook Group most days and you’ll get timely answers.

  • !!!NEW!!!MAY 2016 ONWARDS

    From May 2016 onwards there will be a ‘quick guide’ (mini-course) as a regular feature of The Gardening Club.

What Other People Say?

Here's a typical email from a student of one of our's previous courses:

"I have been using Mark's no dig bed ideas into constructing 2 "Huge  Beds" each approx 40 metres long and 2 metre wide. I used cardboard as a base layer (with help from Probation "volunteers" ) and then using logs on top followed by lots  and lots of cow bedding straw consisting of manure and cow urine with a final layer of normal soil. We have around 60 cows and use the bulls for ploughing.....back to old ways. Kids love having a ride and it is a way for us to get them interested in land,nature and growing herbs and vegetables.

The beds has been constructed on a local "Temple Farm" which encourages local volunteers to help produce lots of herbs and vegetables for their kitchen...they provide free food for nearly 2,000 people every week. We enjoy using natural methods of cultivation ...permaculture with a mix of using heritage varieties for our vegetables.

We used the huge beds to grow mange tout, sweet peas, tomatoes, lettuce and spinach. We were all surprised at the success of the crops given it was our first year. We are planning to be more adventerous next year following Mark's ideas and advice." Kirti Patel

So What's In The Gardening Club?

The monthly Gardening Club has got 7 major elements:

  • Video Lesson 1 - What To Grow, Sow And Do In Your Garden This Month

    Every month this is the first video you should watch in the Gardening Club.  This is a detailed walk through of what you should be doing in your garden this month.

  • Video Lesson 2 - Essential Gardening Techniques

    In the ‘What To Do This Month’ videos we’ll talk about the everyday tasks that you need to do in your garden.  Each month we’ll isolate one of those techniques and do a thorough walk through of it – because understanding how to do basic techniques properly (and why you’re doing them) can make the time you invest in your garden much more productive.

  • Video Lesson 3 - Advanced Gardening Techniques

    This is the big brother of the ‘Essential Gardening Techniques’ videos – only this time we’ll be looking at more advanced tutorials in a similar amount of depth.  Again, the goal is for your investment of time in your garden to pay off in terms of producing higher quantities of better tasting crops!

  • Expert Interviews (audio)

    Every month I’ll interview another expert – someone like Georgie Newby a celebrated British flower grower and writer or Ursula Ferrigno world renowned chef and author or Matt Simpson of Simpson Seeds – and record that interview and upload it in MP3 format.  You’ll be able to download it to your computer and either listen there, or transfer it to your iPod (or iPad) so you can listen whilst you’re on the go.

  • Monthly Magazine (PDF)

    Each month I write an article for a national magazine (circulation approx 40,000).  Part of the deal I struck with them was that they would give me a nice looking, professionally formated version of the article (with photos) in PDF form.  So I can share it with my Club members!

  • Seasonal Recipes

    Want to know what that glut of tomatoes you get every summer?  Or that pile of courgettes?  Each month there will be four seasonal recipes that you can use to help you actually cook and enjoy the fruits (or vegetables ;)) of your gardening labours!

  • Private Facebook Group

    Think of this as the virtual clubhouse to complement your virtual club!  This clubhouse is exclusive too – only members of the Gardening Club get access – and ‘inside’ you’ll find a welcoming place where you can pull up a virtual pew and ask any gardening questions you might have.  And get timely answers.


    From May 2016 we have increased the monthly value of the gardening club by adding a complete Mini Course to each issue.  These mini courses sell on the main Learn How To Garden Site individually for £10 to £20 each….so a really valuable addition to the Club!

Bonuses For Introductory Offer

Now What Would This Information Cost If It Were Sold Separately....

  • 'What To Do' Monthly Videos - Value £10
  • Essential Techniques Video - Value £5
  • Advanced Techniques Video - Value £10
  • Expert Interviews - Value £5
  • PDF Copy Of Magazine Article - Value £5
  • Seasonal Recipes - Value £5
  • !!!NEW!!! MAY 2016 - Free Mini Course - Value £10-20
  • Your Gardening Questions Answered In The Private Facebook Group - Priceless

The total value of everything getting every month in the Gardening Club is around £50!  And it exceeds that comfortably when you factor in getting your specific questions answered in the Private Facebook Group.

But you're not going to pay £50.

You're not going to pay half of that.

You're not going to pay a quarter of £50.

Monthly Subscription - Just £9.97

Reasons Not To Delay: 

1.  The sooner you join, the sooner we can add you to the private Facebook Group - and the sooner you can start asking questions.

2. The content in the Gardening Club is 'timely' - if you want to know EXACTLY what you should be doing in your garden this week, then you need to in the Gardening Club.


100% Money Back Guarantee.  We've tried to price the Club so it's accessible to every serious gardener who wants to grow bigger quantities of better tasting vegetables and fruits - the investment is less than the price of a cup of coffee a week. But if you're not sure, let me tell you that your £9.97 investment is 100% safe.  If at any time in the first month you decide for whatever reason that the Club is not for you, all you have to do is drop us an email and let us know.  We'll cancel your subscription, refund your first monthly payment promptly with no hassles and no hoops to jump through, and we can part as friends.

Cancelling Your Club Membership In The Future  If at any time you decide that you no longer wish to be a club member then again it's simply a matter of emailing us and we'll cancel your subscription and make sure that no further monthly subscription fees are deducted.

So It's Time To Make A Decision:  You should have all the information you need to decide whether the Club is for you or not.  CLICK the big yellow 'JOIN NOW' button below and you'll be taken to a Paypal screen where you can enroll in the gardening club.  (If you don't have a Paypal account you can still enroll using a Credit Card.)  Once you've enrolled in the club you'll be automatically added to the Gardening Club site and sent a welcome email with log on details.  If you don't receive that email for any reason, then don't panic, simply send us an email and we'll work out what went wrong in the process and get you added to the site manually. So go ahead.  Click the big yellow button below and JOIN NOW.

P.S. If you want to carry on with hours of searching for relevant information on Google or collating articles from different magazines and books....then just surf over to Google and start researching.  But there's a better way that is a much more effective use of your precious time and allows you to invest more of that precious time working productively on your garden.

P.P.S. For  just £9.97 a month - less than the price of a cup of coffee a week! - you'll get detailed monthly information on exactly what you should be doing in your garden, detailed explanation of both essential gardening techniques and advanced techniques, a monthly expert's interview, seasonally flavoured recipes and a PDF copy of an article Mark has written in a national magazine.  There's also the private, members only Facebook Group where you can ask questions on all this (or indeed on any gardening topics).  PLUS we've started to add (May 2016) a free mini-course to every issue.  And you're covered by our 30 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee if you join and subsequently decide it's not for you.