Category Archives: no-dig gardening

Green compost in a No Dig Bed

One of the problems with starting a No Dig bed is that to make one you need either well rotted home made compost or well rotted farmyard manure both of which you may not have if your new to gardening or live in a town or city

Most councils are now obliged to run a “Green waste” recycling scheme and as long as they conform to British Standards Institution’s Publicly Available Specification 100:20  11 there perfect for garden use

Every batch of compost made to this standard is analysed and tested for impurities and contaminants by an independent laboratory, and all procedures are fully documented part of this test is the germination and growing of Tomatoes to test for  contaminants


The result is a compost perfect for all gardens, that can also be used as an environmentally-responsible alternative to peat but with a higher PH so also help cut costs by reducing use of artificial fertilizer and lime




How to construct a WoodBlocX raised bed

If you want tall raised bed because they would fit in with your garden or because the easy of working in them one of the best systems is made by WoodBlocX.Its a modular system that can be tailored to any shape and size,the one’s we installed in our new garden were deliberately positioned on rough ground as it replicated most new garden

These films show how quickly you can transform your garden into a productive space and how easily the WoodBlocX  are to construct.

You can find links to how to initially fill your new raised beds so they can be utilized as hotbeds and created a perfect longterm growing  environment




Best way to fill your raised beds


Kalettes or Flowersprouts sowing and planting

Flowersprouts  called Kalettes in the USA are a cross between Brussels sprouts and kale but with a distinct sweet ‘nutty’ flavour

Its easy and very productive to grow and fantastic in the kitchen they’re nutritious (packed full of Vitamin C, E and B6) and has been developed over the last ten years using traditional breeding techniques so is a natural cross

It has a Brussels sprout-like growing habit with its tall stem and rosettes forming all the way up to a frilly-leaved top which can also be eaten



Sounds like a double act and in fact this simple technique can bring more than two positives to the garden,quick, easy and great for you garden,lots of materials can be used as mulches,Manure,seaweed,compost,leafmould,grass cuttings,cardboard even wool all of then adding vital nutrients to our garden

This is the way we add all the fertility to our No-Dig beds allowing the soil  organisms to  incorporate the mulch into the vegetable bed
