Harvesting squash and Pumpkins

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2 thoughts on “Harvesting squash and Pumpkins”

  1. I absolutely LOVE your gardening website. I have received more valuable information from you than from the scores of other sites I use to frequent. I have only one question though, you are in the UK and I am in the USA, while I am a believer of Eliot Coleman that is doesn’t matter geographically where you on the planet, where you are located your latittude (mine is N 41.45) (I live on an island off Massachusettes) my growing season should be the same as someone in the UK with the same latitude as mine. There are so many things I want to try that you have shown in your videos, but I have a hard time translating the growing time frame for me ( I am a zone 7A- USDA plant hardiness) Do you have a easy way for us vegetable growers across the pond to translate your UK growing timelines? I have in-ground gardens, raised beds and a unheated greenhouse. I grow all vegetables with just certain flowers as pollinators.
    Thank you for sharing your amazing knowledge. You are a wealth of great information.
    Laurene….from across the pond

    1. Hi Laurene

      Many thanks for your comment, its always great to hear that my films do what it says on the tin! I think its an interesting point you have made regarding location etc and I will put my thinking cap on and see if I can come up with something that would be helpful for you and others on your latitude.

      Kind regards


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