I get a lot of questions here at Learn How To Garden from subscribers and viewers. I had an interesting one recently from Brandon thats very timely .
Here’s Brandon’s question:
“I have a few questions about the Vitopod propagator. Do you still use it? How long have you had it? Have you noticed any changes in it over the time you’ve had it? Does it still work as well as the day you purchased it?
Do you have other suggestions for propagators that rival the Vitopod’s quality and execution or do you still recommend it as the best on the market?”
The simple answer is yes and no!
If you are wanting what I believe is the best propagator then the Vitapod is still the best you can get, the digital thermometer means that you really do have control over the precise temperature that you are germinating at and for seeds that require higher temperatures like chillies and aubergines, it really can dramatically increase germination. This is also the case if you like growing tropical or sub-tropical plants or palms. It also means that the propagator will switch off if you have unusually warm days so it maintains the constant temperature.
One of the other advantages of the Vitapod is the ability to stack more than one cover so you can use it as a min temperature controlled growing space.
Some of the other models I have tried tend to get too hot in the day as they do not switch off at a set temperature.
My oldest Vitapod is now 5 years and the others 4 – I did have a problem with one thermostat but this was replaced with no problems and it was great after sales service
My one proviso would be if most of your propagation is from march onwards or you don’t need such dramatic rises in temperature then I also use a Bio-Green heat mat, this is similar to the old heated coils used in sand benches but very fine wires encased in a fabric mat. You lay this onto some insulation and place your trays or pots on top. The soil is warmed but the seedlings grow at a lower temperature so they are slightly hardier and because they grow slower are stronger, I also use this for hardening off seedlings after they come out of the propagator. You get a larger growing area for your money and its easy to store as you just roll it up. It also works if you only grow a few hot chillies etc as buying these in as young plug plants means you avoid the disproportionately expensive first month to six weeks and you can have individual plants of some varieties.
Hope this answer your question I have both and would still buy the same.
Thanks for the question.
The wasteful truth about most propagators
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