When growing lettuce the seedlings often grow very quickly after germination and they benefit from potting on slightly deeper
In this film I explain why and also how to avoid “Damping off” a problem that can be devastating to young seedlings

Potting on seedlings is one of the basics of growing,In this film I pot on the Hollyhocks we sowed a couple of weeks ago.There are some tips on what compost works best with these stunning flowers
The french call them Rose Trémière and they were first grown after being collected in southwestern China during, or possibly before, the 15th century
This film shows and is a great technique for most Biennial or Perennial vegetables or flowers
This happens to some variety’s of Tomatoes when after the truss has set the tomato reverts to growing another stem and producing flowers for more fruit.
The most likely reason is that where they originate a lot grow as vines along the ground and this would allow then to spread seed further,I have always removed them as it allows the truss to ripen better and tomatoes further up the plant to be more productive