Category Archives: Scented flowers

Growing Lillies in a container

One of the best ways to add scent and colour to you garden is by having summer flowering bulbs and the most majestic are the Lilies.

The great thing about growing Lilies this way is you can give them perfect conditions and they can be used to fill gaps in the flower borders by simply placing sinking the pots of lillies into the ground were you want instant effect

It also means that you can position them were there scent will be most  appreciated


if you would like a truly dramatic effect then use the Bulb Lasagna method and plant your lillies in layers in a large pot



How to plant Roses

When planting Rose bushes its worth taking the effort to prepare the ground and follow these instructions as Roses can grow for 35 years and in some cases a lot longer

There are advantages to planting bare root bushes as there are a far larger selection of them and Continue reading How to plant Roses
