Category Archives: Benificial fungi

Calcified Seaweed

This is not seaweed  but a kind of calcified cold water coral and coralline algaehaving the Latin name of Lithothamnion calcareum.

It is dredged from the sea off the French and English coasts. It has been used by Cornish farmers since before c1650

In Northen France, it is called maerle and is used by Breton garlic, onion and broccoli farmers to improve their crops.

Calcified seaweed consists of about 50% calcium, 5-10% magnesium carbonate and a wide range of beneficial trace elements Zinc, Copper, Sulpher ,Iron,Manganese, Cobalt , Boron,  which may be Continue reading Calcified Seaweed


Growing Strawberries

Strawberries are incredibly easy to grow. Strawberry  can be grown in all sorts of ways, in borders, containers or hanging baskets and remember to add lots of organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure before planting strawberry plants.
From planting out to picking, strawberries are the fastest fruit you can grow to give you a crop and at home the taste of strawberries will be unlike any you buy



Sounds like a double act and in fact this simple technique can bring more than two positives to the garden,quick, easy and great for you garden,lots of materials can be used as mulches,Manure,seaweed,compost,leafmould,grass cuttings,cardboard even wool all of then adding vital nutrients to our garden

This is the way we add all the fertility to our No-Dig beds allowing the soil  organisms to  incorporate the mulch into the vegetable bed



One of the easiest savings we can make in our garden is to produce our own liquid feeds.  A variety of plants can be used for this and will give us different feeds suitable for doing different tasks.  In my film I cover how to make an early season nitrogen rich feed and two ways of making potassium rich feed which is great for bulking up root crops and onions at this time of the season.

The other fantastic free resource we have which we should make more use of is urine this post explains why

The power of Pee



This is the first in a a series of films on how to grow superb annual flowers and I am absolutely delighted to welcome Benjamin Ranyard of Higgledy Ben is an expert in hardy and half hardy annuals and its the fastest way to had colour and height to your garden.  In fact one of Ben’s collections which costs less than £20 would give you more than enough flowers for the average sized garden.  I hope you enjoy this film keep watching as we will be doing updates and you can grow along with us.
