Probably the most underused vegetables, the Perennials reward you with years of growing so it pays dividends to get there growing conditions right as they are in the Same ground for a number of years

The solution to most problems we encounter when gardening is to find someone with the experience and knowledge to ask the question. I’m very fortunate in having access to nearly 50 years of my own experience, but all of my mother’s as well. Both her father and father-in-law were incredibly accomplished gardeners and in one of my occasional chats with her I get to share her philosophy and thoughts on gardening where I learnt to my surprise about her own wedding flowers.
The Sloe which is a small hard bitter Plum relative and is in fact the fruit of the Blackthorn and can be found along lots of footpaths and field hedges and is easy to collect and has been for century’s
Sloe Gin and the similar to make Sloe Vodka are some of the great free drinks that is always worth making rather than buying as you can use good Gin or Vodka were as most commercial Sloe Gin is made with cheaper grain spirit which I think gives an inferior taste
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Each month at Learn How To Garden Dot Com we’ll publish a monthly video sharing gardening tips, how-to-dos and what-to-dos. Only subscribers will get access to these exclusive videos – all it will cost is your email address!
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I love foraging and reaping the benefits of natures free harvest – and the wild tastes are so exciting.
In this video I’ll show you how to make a great tasting drink that is perfect for those cold days of winter and Christmas celebrations
Subscribe To The Learn How To Garden Monthly Video Newsletter
Each month at Learn How To Garden Dot Com we’ll publish a monthly video sharing gardening tips, how-to-dos and what-to-dos. Only subscribers will get access to these exclusive videos – all it will cost is your email address!
Please fill in your name and email address below and hit the submit button. The next issue is scheduled for publication during the first week of October.
Quirky that’s the only way to describe how Betty decided to grow these tumbling tom tomatoes.With no space left in here greenhouse but a couple of tomato plants left she decided to utilize an old shower tidy!!. The results surprised me,just goes to show how accommodating these tumblers are,and they taste good too