Tag Archives: Avignon Wight


Having grown your garlic the way you harvest it can have a dramatic effect on how long it stores for,so following these simple steps will give you the longest storage possible

If you would more information on growing garlic I have compiled a resource post which contains all my films on hotbeds,  just click the link below

Garlic resource


How to grow Elephant Garlic

Not as strong as Garlic and in fact a member of the leek family but with a wonderful mild taste and well worth its place in the kitchen garden and quite easy to get great results

If you would more information on growing garlic I have compiled a resource post which contains all my films on hotbeds,  just click the link below

Garlic resource



In this video i cover how to grow garlic and show you type of soil it prefers the spacing it needs and the types that have worked for me over the years.

I would also like to apologies  for the sound quality on the last couple of minutes as i had to voice-over  during  editing  as I had a problem with the microphone during filming

If you would more information on growing garlic I have compiled a resource post which contains all my films on hotbeds,  just click the link below

Garlic resource
