Tag Archives: green zebera


This seemingly simple piece of equipment overcomes two of the major problems of growing tomatoes, that of over watering and blossom end rot, whilst simultaneously doubling the crop produced.  Also when growing peppers, aubergines or dwarf beans it gives you an increased yield without the daily requirement of watering.






Tomatoes are the favorite summer crop for most gardeners and if you follow some simple steps will reward you with a taste that you just can not  buy. These films take you through a seasons growing using a variety of techniques and cover how to feed Tomatoes and some of the preventative measures you can take to avoid problems.

1.Starting with Tomatoes

2.How to sow Tomatoes for great germination

3.Tomato seedlings how to pot on

4.How to plant out Tomatoes

5.Tomatoes  the vital importance of ‘Pinching Out’

6.Spraying Tomatoes Organically with “MILK”!!!

7Tomatoes Preventative Organic spraying against Blight

8.Tomatoes    Truss Supports ? On a Tomato !!

9. Tomato Feeding -How to balance nutrients

10.Tomatoes Late Summer update  Defoliate

11. Bettys Tumbling Tomatoes

If you haven’t decided which variety’s of tomatoes to grow this year you may want to watch these films first

A.  Those Tomatoes that simply taste the best

B. Exciting Tomato recommended by Raymond Blanc




Quirky that’s the only way to describe how Betty decided to grow these tumbling tom tomatoes.With no space left in here greenhouse but a couple of tomato plants left she decided to utilize an old shower tidy!!.  The results surprised me,just goes to show how accommodating these tumblers are,and they taste good too



Best tasting Tomatoes

In this film I get my Mum  Betty to blind taste selection of tomatoes, she has been eating tomatoes for breakfast for more than 75 years and chooses variety she grows( or has grown for her!) purely and simply  on taste. In her words there can be no other criteria and I totally agree
