Not as strong as Garlic and in fact a member of the leek family but with a wonderful mild taste and well worth its place in the kitchen garden and quite easy to get great results
If you would more information on growing garlic I have compiled a resource post which contains all my films on hotbeds, just click the link below
This is a quick update 16 days after we built and planted this bed to show how amazing growth has been and that you can already start to crop the salad
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Each month at Learn How To Garden Dot Com we’ll publish a monthly video sharing gardening tips, how-to-dos and what-to-dos. Only subscribers will get access to these exclusive videos – all it will cost is your email address!
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In this video I will show you how, with easily obtainable materials most of which you probably already have lying around you can create a no-dig bed that is perfect for the average urban garden in less than 30 minutes. You can plant straight into the bed and be harvesting your first vegetables in under a month – so why not try it!
Subscribe To The Learn How To Garden Monthly Video Newsletter
Each month at Learn How To Garden Dot Com we’ll publish a monthly video sharing gardening tips, how-to-dos and what-to-dos. Only subscribers will get access to these exclusive videos – all it will cost is your email address!
Please fill in your name and email address below and hit the submit button. The first issue is scheduled for publication during the first week of July.